How is success defined?
We are taught that to be successful in life you must be first in everythings.
- You must do great in sport.
- You must do great academical.
- You must study at the best institution.
- You must achieve the dreams your parents have for you.
- The list is unending of what success looks like.
Success can not really be determined in this way, the reason for this is.
- Not everyone is great at sport.
- Not everyone is great at academics.
- Not everyone has the finaciace to go and study future.
- Not all parents has a dream for their children because of things that happened to them.
- The list is once again unending.
Many people are the cause of other peoples failure in what they have said to them, this includes many parents to.
When growing up many children gets told by parent "what do you want to become with this disobedience of yours", " you are always dropping stuff, you are good for nothing". At school their are children bulling other children and making them feel inferior. It is all caused mentally and sticks in the mind that "I am no goed, I will never gain success". Before I go on I must say there are people who was the cause of many peoples success, so all is not negative.
A person's mindset must get reprogrammed from "I am a failure to I am successful". The question is probably how? Many people don't realize they already have a form of success.
- They have a job. Many people are sitting without a job.
- They have food on the table. Many are going hungry.
- They have a roof over their heads. Many are sleeping under newspapers.
- They are blessed with a wife and kids. Many are alone in this world.
Something very important to keep in mind "DON'T COMPARE YOUR SUCCESS TO OTHERS SUCCESS, FOCUS ON YOUR OWN AND YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED AT WHAT YOU ACHIEVE". All that is needed is, you must be determined and be willing to succeed and forget what others think about you. Program your mind that you are successful by looking each morning in the mirror and telling yourself that "I am successful" you must put your heart in it when you say it.
All of the best, and don't think negative think positief
Till next time we chat.
Ernest Dinsdale
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