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Saturday 16 December 2017



Image result for picture of chain block
Chain Block
A chain block can be a very dangerous tool if not used correctly. A person uses a chain block to hoist heavy machinery, motors, get equipment into place; the list for use is endless. Iam going to tell you about my first hand experience with a chain block.

Just to start of with, I am trained to work with a chain block no person that isn't trained to use a chain block may operate one. This is for safety purposes because of the danger not knowing the do's and don'ts. 

The experience I had happened April 2017 this year, it was Easter time. I had to go and supervise the cleaning of a bin on the shaft ( where people go down underground to mine gold, silver, coal, ext, and where the minerals mined comes out) with Hydropower (water under high pressure). The team that had to do the Hydropower cleaning  had not arrived and I wanted to stay busy. I went down to the place where a chute (a box with doors that the raw minerals go into to get tipped on a conveyor belt t hat then takes it to the Plant where it gets processed into what ever minerals) must get changed.

While being there the door of the chute struggled to open, we tried different things for we had to get the door open to get the ore out to get the bin and box open to change the chute. I took a chain block and secured it on the top of the chute and the hook of the chain block to the door of the chute. I got the door open with chain block which was a good thing for we wanted it. This is when the pawpaw hit the fan, I felt an explosion in my head and felt disorientated. I went and layed down for I would have fallen down. One of my colleagues come to my rescue and told me that I have an laceration on my jaw, he told me that the chain block came of the chute door under tension. I got about 10 stitches and was minus a tooth. The reason was found out after a thorough investigation which I am not going to go into. I survived this and I am ok.

The Lord was good for me once again, let me highlight something. Many people that where hit by chain blocks passed away, are left disabled in a certain way or cannot do the job they where trained for. There are many that sit at home not be able to work. When looking at this you can see that God has given me grace again. Just a tip, when working with any tools be sure to know the safety aspects of the tool and how to operate it.

Just to end of with with an important question, if something like this has to happen to you and you maybe cannot work further have you got something to fall back on to generate income for you? If not click on the link to check out a great system you can start with that will generate you income. It can help with a second income too. 

Till we speak again, all of the best.
God bless
Ernest Dinsdale

Monday 10 April 2017


Image result for free picture of earthWhere does God come from? 
A Scientist was asked to answer the following question: The person who asked the question said: "I am confused, being philosophically consistent and being a very honest person, I am sure you can tell me where God come from. And addition, once you told me where God comes from, please try to clarify how you can figure that a Spiritual Force can have an impact on a material universe to create it."
This is what the Scientist answered: "Your question,"where did God come from" assumes that you're thinking about the wrong god, because the God of the Bible is not affected by time, space or matter. If He is affected by time, space or matter, He's not God. Time, space and matter is what we call a continuum, all of them have to come into existence at the same instant. Because if there were matter but no space, WHERE would you put it? If there were matter and space, but no time, WHEN would you put it. You cannot have time, space or matter independently, they have to come into existence simultaneously. The Bible answers that in ten words:
In the beginning - there's TIME
God created the heaven - there's SPACE
and the earth - there's MATTER
So you have time, space, matter created a trinity of trinities:
You know TIME is - past, present and future
SPACE has - length, width and height
MATTER has - solid, liquid and gas
You have a trinity of trinities created instantaneously and God who created them has to be outside of them. If He is limited by time, He is not God.
The guy who created the computer is not IN the computer. He is not running in there changing numbers on the screen. 
The God who created this Universe is outside of the universe. He is above it, beyond it, in it, through it, He is unaffected by it. The concept that a Spiritual Force cannot have an effect on a material body, well then I guess you have to explain to me things like emotions and love and hatred and envy and jealousy and rationality. I mean if your brain is just a random collection of chemicals that formed by chance over a billion years, how on earth can you trust your own reasoning process and thoughts that you think.
So to your question: "Where did God come from" is assuming a limited God, and that is your problem. The God I worship is not limited by time, space or matter. If I could fit the
infinite God in my three pound brain, He would not be worth worshipping, that is for certain. So that is the God that I worship. Thank you."

It was great talking to you.
All of the best
God bless
Ernest Dinsdale
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Saturday 18 March 2017


A story of a White man and a Black man.
Casa Mono, Madrid: A white man walked into a restaurant in London. As soon as he entered, he noticed a black man sitting in the corner. So he walked over to the counter, removed his wallet and shouted, 
"Waiter! I am buying food for everyone in this restaurant, except that black guy over there!"
So the waiter collected the money from the man and began serving free food for everyone in the restaurant, except the black man. However, instead of becoming upset, the Black man simply looked at the White man and shouted, "Thank you!" That infuriated the man. So once again, the White man took out his wallet and shouted, "Waiter! This time I am buying bottles of wine and additional food for everyone in this bar, except for the Black man sitting in the corner over there!" So the waiter collected the money from the man and began serving free food and wine to everyone in the bar except the Black man. When the waiter finished serving the food and drinks, once again, instead of becoming angry, the Black man simply smiled at the White man and shouted, "Thank you!" That made the White man furious. So he leaned over the counter and said to the waiter, "What is wrong with that Black man? I have bought food and drinks for everyone in this bar except him, but instead of becoming angry, he just sits there and smiles at me and shouts 'Thank you'. Is he mad???" The waiter smiled at the White man and said, "No, he is not mad. He is the owner of this restaurant. 
Without the White man knowing it, he was working in favour of the Black man who is the owner of the restaurant. The Black man had the right mindset, he stayed calm and let the odds turn to his side. By doing it he let his enemy unknowing work in his favour.

Here are some points to keep in mind:
  • Stay away from Anger...It hurts..Only You!
  • If you are right the there is no need to get angry,
  • And if you are wrong then you don't have any right to get angry.
  • Patience with family is love,
  • Patience with others is respect.
  • Patience with self is confidence and Patience with God is faith.
  • Never Think Hard about the Past, it brings Tears...
  • Don't think more about the FUTURE, it brings Fear..
  • Live this Moment with a Smile, it brings Cheer.
  • Every test in our live makes us bitter or better,
  • Every problem comes to make us or break us,
  • The choice is ours whether we become victims or victorious.
  • Beautiful things are not always good but good things are always beautiful.
  • Do you know why God created gaps between fingers?
  • So that someone who is special to you comes and fills those gaps by holding your hand forever.
  • Happiness keeps You Sweet... But being sweet brings happiness.
It was great communicating
All of the best
Ernest Dinsdale
God bless


Top Tier Side Income

Thursday 9 March 2017


WiFi Millionaire
Wifi Millionaire System
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Wifi Millionaire Ebook

Shark Bait.
Image result for Free pictures of a shark in a tankDuring a research experiment a marine biologist placed a shark into a large holding tank and than released several small bait fish into the tank.

As you would expect, the shark quickly swam around the tank, attacked and ate the smaller fish in the tank.

The marine biologist the inserted a strong piece of clear fiberglass into the tank, creating two separate partitions. She then put the shark on one side of the fiberglass and a new set of bait fish on the other side of the fiberglass.

This experiment was repeated several dozen times over the next few weeks. Each time, the shark got less aggressive and made fewer attempts to attack the bait fish, until eventually the shark got tired of hitting the fiberglass divider and simply stopped attacking altogether.

The marine biologist then removed the fiberglass divider, but the shark didn't attack. The shark was trained to believe a barrier existed between it and the bait fish, so the bait fish swam  wherever they wished, free from harm.

The moral: Many of us, after experiencing setbacks and failures, emotionally give up and stop trying. Like the shark in the story, we believe that because we were unsuccessful in the past, we will always be unsuccessful. In other words, we continue to see a barrier in our heads, even when no 'real' barrier exist between where we are and where we want to go.

Don't let what happened to you in the past hold you back, there is more in you then what you think. Stand up leave the things of the past and try again, don't see a failure as the end of the world, see it as lesson that will  bring you nearer to your success. All the successful people didn't reach success without having failure in their lives. 

Are you looking to start over and become a successful story. Are you looking for a opportunity to work for yourself right from the comfort of your own home. Or are you just looking to fill your financial needs. I have a great opportunity to start with, and your will be able to make a success with it. Just go HERE

Was great sharing with you.
All of the best
Ernest Dinsdale
The best is still to come.

Wednesday 1 March 2017


The Weight of the Glass

There was psychology professor that walked around on a stage while teaching stress management principles to an auditorium filled with students. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they would be ask the typical "glass half empty or glass half full" question. Instead, with a smile on her face, the professor asked, "How heavy is this glass of water I am holding?"

Students shouted out answers ranging from eight ounces to a couple of pounds.

Image result for picture of a glass of waterShe replied, "From my perspective, the absolute weight of the glass doesn't matter. It all depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute or two, it is fairly light. If I hold it for an hour straight, its weight might make my arm ache a little. If I hold it for a day straight, my arm will likely cramp up and feel completely numb and paralysed, forcing me to drop the glass to the floor. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn't change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it feels to me."

As the class shook their heads in agreement, she continued, "Your stresses and worries are very much like this glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer and you begin to ache a little. Think about them all day long, and you will feel completely numb and paralyzed - incapable of doing anything else until you drop them."

The moral: It's important to let go of your stresses and worries. No matter what happens during the day, as early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don't carry them through the night into the next day with you. If you still feel the weight of yesterday's stress, it's a strong sign that it is time to put the glass down. Give your glass over to God and ask for His help, if it feels that you can't put it down.


It was great talking to you
All of the best
Ernest Dinsdale

Please let me know if injoy my post or not, looking forward hearing from you.

Friday 17 February 2017


Having a second heart attack.

How would I start hmm. Let me start from the beginning. I had a light heart attack a bit more than two years ago, God carried me through and and I survived. I got a stent put into one of my main heart arteries and all went well from there on. God was truly great for me for I was by my family for father's day. God gave me strength to do my work, work overtime, be with my family, ext. This period was June 2014 to this year February 2017. So all was well I praise the Lord for it.
Conditional image of a model of the human heart (hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation). Light background. Stock Vector - 46456426In December 2016 I started getting chest pains, it was not very major pains for I still could function alright. I did not give too much attention to it. All changed the day after Christmas, I had a accident and burnt myself whilst I was cutting out a 500 mm valve. It was a job I have done many times before. The 26 December 2016 the torch hoses hooked and the torch turned in my hand and burned me above my glove, I just went for a dressing and returned to the work I was busy doing making it a treat and return. There was an investigation about the injury, it was treated as if it was lost days as if I was of with my injury which was not the cause. This investigation took about 3 to 4 days to get finished. I think this investigation took its toll on my heart, the pain started to become more intense. 

My wife got an appointment with the doctor for my burn wound progress. while I was at the doctor I too told her about the pain in my arm and chest. The doctor ran blood test and tried to get an appointment for me at the Cardiologist. I could only get one for somewhere in March 2017. About 3 days later the Cardiologist reception lady phoned and said that the Cardiologist was worried about my pain and that I had to go for an anagram the 3de of February 2017 and be there 06h00. My wife and I said that we will be there, I just want to mention I have a wonderful wife and she is a great mother too.

3 February 2017 we got up at 02h00 and got ready to leave to Bloemfontein Rosepark Hospital.

3h30 we were on our way to Rosepark Hospital, we arrived at the Hospital 05h35 and did all the paperwork. 07h00 I was in my hospital bed ready to go into the theater to have the anagram.  
11h00 the moment of truth came, I was taken into theater. The Cardiologist told me there was a problem with one of my veins and that he was going to open it with a stent. It was not pleasant at all for it was sore whilst he was busy, he kept telling me this is going to be a bit uncomfortable then there was a pain for a couple of seconds then it passed. He did a good job warning me of what was to come. The stent was a success but all of a sudden I got a massive pain in my chest, it is a pain I cannot explain. One thing I can say, I never had so pain in my life before. I heard the Cardiologist tell one of his assistance to get a doctor on standby for there was not enough hands. There was one woman at my side saying i must stay awake and hold on, I was starting to throw up (vomiting) I was feeling that a was busy going (dying). As I was busy going the pain went away and I felt myself come back. The Cardiologist told me while he was busy with stent a blood clot formed and closed my stent that I had 2 years ago cutting of my blood supply to my heart, it was my main artery to my heart. This caused a massive heart attack. God was good I praise Him for sparing me for my family once again.

I was put into ICU to recover, while I was there the Cardiologist sent me for x-rays and sonars. He found out that my left lung has collapsed and had a blood sack on my heart and water on the lung. I was put on oxygen and had a drain pipe put into my chest to drain the blood and water. I was in Hospital for a whole week before I could go home. The Lord was so good that I was at home for my wife's birthday the 12th of February 2017. On this moment I am still at home becoming stronger each day and recovering.

The thought arises in me to ask each one that reads this, are you ready to go if this should happen to you. Are you spiritually ready with God, many won't like this question. 

The next is will your wife and kids have enough to take care of themselves? I ask to have a look at this offers I have to offer you that can help you in life.
Here is an ebook that you can order WIFI MILLIONAIRE E-BOOK .
You could use this great system to become financially free WIFI MILLIONAIRE SYSTEM.

It was great sharing this with you

All of the best
Ernest Dinsdale
God Bless

Please reply on this post, I would like to hear from you.


Sunday 29 January 2017


All the difference in the world.

Image result for Free picture of a turtleEvery Sunday morning a certain man takes a light jog around a park near his home. There's a lake located in one corner of the park. Each time he jogged by the lake, He sees the same elderly woman sitting at the water's edge with a small metal cage sitting beside her.

This past Sunday his curiosity got the best of him, so he stopped jogging and walked over to her. As he got closer, he realized that the metal cage was, in fact, a small trap. There were three turtles, unharmed, slowly walking around the base of the trap. She had a fourth turtle in her lap that she was carefully scrubbing with a sponge brush.

"Hello," he said. "I see you here every Sunday morning if you don't mind my nosiness, I'd love to know what you're doing with these turtles."

She smiled "I'm cleaning off their shells," she replied. "Anything on a turtle's shell, like algae or scum, reduces the turtle's ability to absorb heat and impedes its ability to swim. It can also corrode and weaken the shell over time."

"Wow! That's really nice of you!" he exclaimed.

She went on: "I spend a couple of hours each Sunday morning, relaxing by this lake and helping these little guys out. It's my own strange way of making a difference." 

"But don't most freshwater turtles live their whole lives with algae and scum hanging from their shells?" he asked.

"Yep, sadly, they do," she replied.

He scratched his head. "Well then, don't you think your time could be better spent? I mean, I think your efforts are kind and all, but there are freshwater turtles living in lakes all around the world. And 99% of these turtles don't have kind people like you to help them clean off their shells. So, no offense... but how exactly are your localized efforts here truly making a difference?"

The woman giggled aloud. She then looked down at the turtle on her lap, scrubbed the last piece of algae from its shell, and said, "Sweetie, if this guy could talk, he'd tell you I just made all the difference in the world."

The moral: You can change the world - maybe not all at once, but one person, one animal, and one good deed at a time. Wake up every morning and pretend like what you do makes a difference. It does.

I would like to do the same and make a difference in the world to someone. If anyone needs a change in their lives and get out of the grove, etc, they are in. This could maybe be you, just click >HERE< This could change the world for you, if you are not interested in changing your circumstances introduce someone else to this blog post.
Do yourself a favor and watch this free video ->HERE< 

It was nice communicating with to you.
All of the best.
God Bless.
Ernest Dinsdale.

Please give feedback on my posts. I would like to hear from you.

Monday 16 January 2017


What is the value of life?

Image result for Picture of poor to richThe new year is already 14 days old, wow it is unbelievable at what speed life is passing by or must I say flying. Many people have made new year resolutions the beginning of the year, how many have started on their resolutions? The big problem many people have is, they want to do something but when the shove comes to the push they say they will do it later. In the end of the day, it gets set off. Don't set things off, go through with it even if you think you are not worth anything. After reading the following that I am going to write I believe and hope you will feel differently about yourself and worth.

A little boy went to his grandpa and asked, "What is the value of life ?" 
The grandpa gave him one stone and said, "Find out the value of this stone, but don't sell it."

The boy took the stone to an Orange Seller and asked him what its cost would be.
The Orange Seller saw the shiny stone and said, "You can take 12 oranges and give me the stone." The boy apologized and said that his grandpa has asked him not to sell it.

He went ahead and found a Vegetable Seller, "What could be the value of this stone ?" 
he asked the Vegetable Seller. The Seller draw the shiny stone and said. "Take one sack of potatoes and give me the stone." The boy again apologized and said that he can't sell it.

Further ahead, he went into a Jewelry Shop and asked the value of the stone. The Jeweler saw the stone under a lens and said, "I'll give you 1 million for this stone." When the boy shooked his head, the Jeweler said, "Alright, alright take two 24 karat gold necklaces, but give me the stone."

Further ahead, the boy saw a Precious Stone's Shop and asked the Seller the value of this stone. When the precious stone's seller saw the big ruby, he lay down a red cloth and put the ruby on it. Then he walked in circles around the ruby and bent down and touched his head in front of the ruby. "From where did you bring this priceless ruby from?" he asked. 
"Even if I sell the whole world and my life, I won't be able to purchase this priceless stone." 

Stunned and confused, the boy returned to his grandpa and told him what had happened.
Grandpa said: "The answers you got from the Orange Seller, the Vegetable Seller, the Jeweler and the Precious Stone's Seller explain the value of our life. You may be a precious stone, even priceless, but people will value you based on their financial status, their level of information, their belief in you, their motive behind entertaining you, their ambition, and their risk taking ability."

Life is a reflection of your perception but don't fear you are unique. You are an Original and the only one of a kind. And remember don't let your past determine your future. Let go of the
past, and step into a great future with a positive mindset, and with God who wants to direct your path.
Believe in yourself. With God at your side, your victory is guaranteed.

Was great talking to you
The best is still to come
All of the best, trust in God
Ernest Dinsdale