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Tuesday 26 July 2016


Care for each other.

A Japanese builder decided to renovate his house. There were places that he had to break open the walls to do complete renovations. Japanese houses are built with hollow spaces between the wooden walls. While he was tearing down one of the walls he found a lizard with a nail driven through it's foot. The builder had pity for this lizard, the same time he was curious for the lizard was still alive.

The house that the builder was renovating was built 5 years ago, and no nails were driven into the wall from since. The builder thought that this could have meant just one thing; the poor lizard was stuck to the wall for 5 years! How could this lizard have survived that long time in such small dark place without moving! It is impossible! the builder had thought. 
The Japanese builder stop with what he was doing to watch the lizard. While he was watching the lizard, another lizard suddenly arrived with food in it's mouth. The lizard that arrived with the food started carefully feeding the lizard that was stuck to the wall untiringly, never giving up on it's partner. This builder was stunned and deeply touched by this humble act; it seemed this was going on for 5 years.

This builder imagined how it was that a small creature like that could do something incredible and beautiful, when humans that have brilliant minds, so often fail to even care for another.

Lesson from this.
Let us take the lesson that life gives us through two lizards, to never abandon your love ones. Never say you are to busy when they really need you. You may have the entire world at your feet. Did you think that you could be the only one in THEIR world. A moment of negligence might break the very heart which LOVED you against all odds. Make time and take time to care for your loved ones! There is one great thing to keep in mind before you want to help others outside "CHARITY STARTS AT HOME" make sure to keep your wife and kids in mind.

Till we speak again
Be blessed and the best is still to come
Ernest Dinsdale


Monday 18 July 2016


Don't let how you grew up hold you back.

Break away
There was a person walking down a street in India. This person was a tourist, he did not know a lot about elephants. While his was on his sightseeing spree he noticed an elephant tied with a small thin rope to a tree. This amazed this person in a great way, he could not understand how such a thin rope can hold such a big creature to a tree. This big creature can just walk and not even know that the rope has broken. He's curiosity got the better of him and he walked to a man who was standing next to the elephant, which he found out was the owner of this big creature. The man asked the owner how it is possible that such a small thin rope can hold such a big creature; for it was bungeling his mind. The owner of the elephant started to explain how it come to be that this small thin rope could hold such a big creature. He ensured him that it was not a magical trick. He told the curious man that when the elephant was still a baby the rope was used to hold the elephant, for as a baby elephant he could not break the rope. He said the elephant gave up trying to become loose as a baby because the rope did not want to break. The owner of the elephant went on to say that the elephant grew up with the   rope and still believes the rope will hold it back. 

There is a great lesson to learn out of this. Many people are like this elephant that is tied with a small thin rope. People grew up in a certain way they think there is no other way for they are born into the kind of life they are in. Many think they are not worth and mean nothing to the world. Other people are tied up through circumstances and things that happened to them when they were young or what happened later in life; it could be failure, ext. Through Jesus Christ our savior you can break free from this, for you are much more worth than what you think. Come I encourage you to break free from that rope that is not strong enough to hold you back. You are created for greatness. Don't think that how you grew up must affect your outcome in life, break out of it !!. Don't listen to what others may have told you that you are are failure or not going to achieve anything; for it is a great big lie. You are more than a conqueror in Jesus Christ. It does not matter what people think, it matter what God thinks of you. People saw David as a shepherd God saw him as a king. Every decision lies by you, no one can make a decision for you. You decide are you going to stay tied up with a worthless rope or are you going to break loose.

I want to give you a free book, this book I believe is the beginning to something big for you.

Till we talk again
Ernest Dinsdale
The best is still to come.