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Wednesday, 16 May 2018


Does continue working without any rest make you more productive?

Image result for Free picture of woodchoppersTo answer the question above I want to use an example of two wood choppers. The one wood chopper was a young man and the other a old man. The young man wanted to have a competition with the old man; to see who can have the most wood chopped at the end of the working day. The old man accepted the challenge of the young man. The young man was very pleased that the old man accepted his challenge. The young man was not worried for he was strong and fit, he was sure that he was going to win the competition. 
The young man started to chop wood without any stop, the old man on the other hand stopped every hour for 15 minutes to rest. This chopping wood challenge went on for the whole working day. At the end of the working day the amount of wood was compared to each other, to the young man surprise the old man chopped much more wood than the he did. The young man wanted to know how it was possible, for he chopped none stop while the old man rested. The old man told him how it came to be that he chopped more wood than the young man. The old man said "every time I took a rest I sharpened my axe so it could not have chance to become blunt". 

To rest is important for a person, a person can not just keep on going. We all get caught up in our daily things that we forget to think of resting. Time goes so quick before we know our day has past.  Speaking about time going so fast, it lets me think at the time I was studying. I came from work greeted my wife and children and went to my study and did my assignments. I only got to bed at 12 o clock at night and got up at 2 o clock in the morning again to do my studies further. This went on till one day I went to write my exams, I started writing and hit a blank; I could not remember a thing and that was a red light for me going on. I then planed my time differently and all worked out for the best at the end. 

When at work a person must spent time to do risk assessments before doing a job, this is to prevent accidents happening. There is a time for everything and a person must have time for different things. One important thing is time with your wife and children. All must not just be about work there must be time for other things. Many of us work overtime and spend so much time at work to provide for our family that is starts influencing our relationship with our family. 

Won't it be great to make a second income without working overtime and get great deals with savings and getting rewarded for actions taken. There is such businesses. 


All of the best
Was great chatting
Ernest Dinsdale.

Monday, 30 April 2018


How is success defined?

Image result for Free pictures of successWhen we look back at the time our parents told us about the life and how it is outside in the grownup world. They always told us to study hard, do well at sport, ext. There was always a sword hanging over our heads of making a success, making money and the people we going to have to compete against to get a job. This is not wrong what many parents have done and still doing with the children that are staying with them. Many parents has their children's future and wellbeing on their minds and in their hearts. 

We are taught that to be successful in life you must be first in everythings.
  • You must do great in sport.
  • You must do great academical.
  • You must study at the best institution.
  • You must achieve the dreams your parents have for you.
  • The list is unending of what success looks like. 
Success can not really be determined in this way, the reason for this is.
  • Not everyone is great at sport.
  • Not everyone is great at academics.
  • Not everyone has the finaciace to go and study future.
  • Not all parents has a dream for their children because of things that happened to them.
  • The list is once again unending.
Many people are the cause of other peoples failure in what they have said to them, this includes many parents to. 
When growing up many children gets told by parent "what do you want to become with this disobedience of yours",  " you are always dropping stuff, you are good for nothing". At school their are children bulling other children and making them feel inferior. It is all caused mentally and sticks in the mind that "I am no goed, I will never gain success".  Before I go on I must say there are people who was the cause of many peoples success, so all is not negative.

A person's mindset must get reprogrammed from "I am a failure to I am successful". The question is probably how?  Many people don't realize they already have a form of success. 
  • They have a job. Many people are sitting without a job.
  • They have food on the table. Many are going hungry.
  • They have a roof over their heads. Many are sleeping under newspapers.
  • They are blessed with a wife and kids. Many are alone in this world.
Success is not always what you have achieved in life, it is what you have and the blessings you get out of it. There are ways to better your life you have, and build on your already success further for the better. 

Something very important to keep in mind "DON'T COMPARE YOUR SUCCESS TO OTHERS SUCCESS, FOCUS ON YOUR OWN AND YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED AT WHAT YOU ACHIEVE". All that is needed is, you must be determined and be willing to succeed and forget what others think about you. Program your mind that you are successful by looking each morning in the mirror and telling yourself that "I am successful" you must put your heart in it when you say it.

All of the best, and don't think negative think positief
Till next time we chat. 
Ernest Dinsdale

Please send comments, I would like to hear from you.

Monday, 23 April 2018


Passed-out, broke my nose and lost alot of blood "ou dear".

Image result for Free picture of someone laying on the floor of a toiletI haven't written anything for a while, many things have happened and prevented me from writing. I am going to try to get back on track. I hope all is well.

Can a toilet be a dangerous place to be in ? this doesn't mean a public toilet, it is the toilet at home. many will say no and many will say yes. Let me tell you about my experience I had about twee weeks ago. The evening of Tuesday the 3de of April 2018 I woke up feeling I want to use the toilet to do number 2, with this it felt like a wind was stuck in my chest. I went to the toilet and did number 2, while I was still sitting on the toilet I tried getting the wind which I thought it was out. whilst doing this I got dizzy and the next thing I knew was waking up in a puddle of blood with my nose still bleeding. After investigating it seemed that the doorstopper in the inside of the toilet caused this injury. I had a big gaze (laceration) on the top of  my nose.

My wife phoned the ambulance to come and fetch me. The ambulance team was quite speedy and attendant to me in a very professional way. They took me to Casualties about 26 K/m away from my hometown. The town I live in is Virginia Free State South Africa and the city I was taken to is Welkom. When arriving they booked me in. The doctor on duty cleaned the wound and gave me 7 stitches in my nose. I was kept under observation for about 3 hours before they let me go. I was booked of from work to get well again. I only found out a couple of day later that my nose has been broken, it had grown back on strait. This may sound as if it is nothing to write home about, for me it is something great to write about. I am going to tell you why.

When I lost consciousness I believe the Lord God saved me from certain death by letting my youngest son Jean-Pierre find me on the floor of the toilet. My son lifted my face out of the puddle of blood I was laying in, he cleaned the blood from my face and closed the gaze on my nose. I praise the Lord for sending him for I would have suffocated in my own blood. My wife Charleen saw the blood coming through under the door but only Jean-Pierre could squeeze through the opening of the door. the resion for this is that I was laying against the door on the floor. I am so thankful to the Lord for giving me once again another chance to be with my wife and son's. When looking at this, it is something great for me. I have learned not to take life for granted and not to let life get me down. Each chance I get I take with both my hands. I ask if life knocks you down, get up as quick as possible and go on and ask the Lord God to make you stronger each time.

Till we talk again
God Bless and remember don't stay down, get up.
Ernest Dinsdale