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Saturday 16 December 2017



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Chain Block
A chain block can be a very dangerous tool if not used correctly. A person uses a chain block to hoist heavy machinery, motors, get equipment into place; the list for use is endless. Iam going to tell you about my first hand experience with a chain block.

Just to start of with, I am trained to work with a chain block no person that isn't trained to use a chain block may operate one. This is for safety purposes because of the danger not knowing the do's and don'ts. 

The experience I had happened April 2017 this year, it was Easter time. I had to go and supervise the cleaning of a bin on the shaft ( where people go down underground to mine gold, silver, coal, ext, and where the minerals mined comes out) with Hydropower (water under high pressure). The team that had to do the Hydropower cleaning  had not arrived and I wanted to stay busy. I went down to the place where a chute (a box with doors that the raw minerals go into to get tipped on a conveyor belt t hat then takes it to the Plant where it gets processed into what ever minerals) must get changed.

While being there the door of the chute struggled to open, we tried different things for we had to get the door open to get the ore out to get the bin and box open to change the chute. I took a chain block and secured it on the top of the chute and the hook of the chain block to the door of the chute. I got the door open with chain block which was a good thing for we wanted it. This is when the pawpaw hit the fan, I felt an explosion in my head and felt disorientated. I went and layed down for I would have fallen down. One of my colleagues come to my rescue and told me that I have an laceration on my jaw, he told me that the chain block came of the chute door under tension. I got about 10 stitches and was minus a tooth. The reason was found out after a thorough investigation which I am not going to go into. I survived this and I am ok.

The Lord was good for me once again, let me highlight something. Many people that where hit by chain blocks passed away, are left disabled in a certain way or cannot do the job they where trained for. There are many that sit at home not be able to work. When looking at this you can see that God has given me grace again. Just a tip, when working with any tools be sure to know the safety aspects of the tool and how to operate it.

Just to end of with with an important question, if something like this has to happen to you and you maybe cannot work further have you got something to fall back on to generate income for you? If not click on the link to check out a great system you can start with that will generate you income. It can help with a second income too. 

Till we speak again, all of the best.
God bless
Ernest Dinsdale

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