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Friday 17 February 2017


Having a second heart attack.

How would I start hmm. Let me start from the beginning. I had a light heart attack a bit more than two years ago, God carried me through and and I survived. I got a stent put into one of my main heart arteries and all went well from there on. God was truly great for me for I was by my family for father's day. God gave me strength to do my work, work overtime, be with my family, ext. This period was June 2014 to this year February 2017. So all was well I praise the Lord for it.
Conditional image of a model of the human heart (hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation). Light background. Stock Vector - 46456426In December 2016 I started getting chest pains, it was not very major pains for I still could function alright. I did not give too much attention to it. All changed the day after Christmas, I had a accident and burnt myself whilst I was cutting out a 500 mm valve. It was a job I have done many times before. The 26 December 2016 the torch hoses hooked and the torch turned in my hand and burned me above my glove, I just went for a dressing and returned to the work I was busy doing making it a treat and return. There was an investigation about the injury, it was treated as if it was lost days as if I was of with my injury which was not the cause. This investigation took about 3 to 4 days to get finished. I think this investigation took its toll on my heart, the pain started to become more intense. 

My wife got an appointment with the doctor for my burn wound progress. while I was at the doctor I too told her about the pain in my arm and chest. The doctor ran blood test and tried to get an appointment for me at the Cardiologist. I could only get one for somewhere in March 2017. About 3 days later the Cardiologist reception lady phoned and said that the Cardiologist was worried about my pain and that I had to go for an anagram the 3de of February 2017 and be there 06h00. My wife and I said that we will be there, I just want to mention I have a wonderful wife and she is a great mother too.

3 February 2017 we got up at 02h00 and got ready to leave to Bloemfontein Rosepark Hospital.

3h30 we were on our way to Rosepark Hospital, we arrived at the Hospital 05h35 and did all the paperwork. 07h00 I was in my hospital bed ready to go into the theater to have the anagram.  
11h00 the moment of truth came, I was taken into theater. The Cardiologist told me there was a problem with one of my veins and that he was going to open it with a stent. It was not pleasant at all for it was sore whilst he was busy, he kept telling me this is going to be a bit uncomfortable then there was a pain for a couple of seconds then it passed. He did a good job warning me of what was to come. The stent was a success but all of a sudden I got a massive pain in my chest, it is a pain I cannot explain. One thing I can say, I never had so pain in my life before. I heard the Cardiologist tell one of his assistance to get a doctor on standby for there was not enough hands. There was one woman at my side saying i must stay awake and hold on, I was starting to throw up (vomiting) I was feeling that a was busy going (dying). As I was busy going the pain went away and I felt myself come back. The Cardiologist told me while he was busy with stent a blood clot formed and closed my stent that I had 2 years ago cutting of my blood supply to my heart, it was my main artery to my heart. This caused a massive heart attack. God was good I praise Him for sparing me for my family once again.

I was put into ICU to recover, while I was there the Cardiologist sent me for x-rays and sonars. He found out that my left lung has collapsed and had a blood sack on my heart and water on the lung. I was put on oxygen and had a drain pipe put into my chest to drain the blood and water. I was in Hospital for a whole week before I could go home. The Lord was so good that I was at home for my wife's birthday the 12th of February 2017. On this moment I am still at home becoming stronger each day and recovering.

The thought arises in me to ask each one that reads this, are you ready to go if this should happen to you. Are you spiritually ready with God, many won't like this question. 

The next is will your wife and kids have enough to take care of themselves? I ask to have a look at this offers I have to offer you that can help you in life.
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You could use this great system to become financially free WIFI MILLIONAIRE SYSTEM.

It was great sharing this with you

All of the best
Ernest Dinsdale
God Bless

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