A woman with two clay jars.
You may be born with a crooked foot, back, arm, hand, the list is unending of all the flaws that there could be. You may feel you mean nothing to anyone because of the flaw you may feel you have. This is not true, everyone has a meaning in life not one is worthless. In this world, you can mean the world to someone. To illustrate my point I want to tell you about a woman that had two clay jars.
The flawless jar thought that it was the jar to be and that the one with the flaw was inferior to it. It went so far that the flawless jar kept on telling the one with the crack that it was useless, this did let the cracked jar feel worthless.
One day the cracked clay jar asked the woman way she used a worthless and broken jar like him, for he only gave her half of the water he had to give.? The woman replied to the jars question that he was not worthless or useless. She told the jar that she did not see the crack in the jar as a flaw but as an advantage. She showed the jar that where she walked from the river that there were beautiful flowers growing on the side of the path were the cracked clay jar was leaking. The woman told the jar that she has planted these flowers because she knew that the cracked jar would water the flowers every day.
After looking at this above I can tell you that nobody has the right to look down on you, you are not inferior to anyone. Your flaw that you think you have can be an advantage to you. Everyone is created for greatness, no matter wat shortcoming you may have. Don't give up go for your dreams and live your life, trust in God to help you.
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It was great talking to you
Till next time
Ernest Dinsdale
All of the best
Trust in God always.
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