A great lesson through an old donkey.

After throwing sand into the hole for a while, they noticed the donkey's ears were sticking out of the hole. This interested them how this was happening, they watched wat the donkey did to get this far out of the hole. As they threw the ground into the hole they noticed that every time they threw ground into the hole it landed on the donkey's back, the donkey just shook it off and stamped onto the ground that has fallen from his back. Eventually, the heap inside the hole was high enough for the donkey to jump to freedom.
There were a couple of questions that arose in my mind after reading this.
1) What would have happened to the donkey if he to just gave up?
2) What would have happened if he excepted his fate?
This donkey could have given up and he could have just excepted his fate. We must keep something in mind, the odds was against the donkey. The odds was, the donkey was already old, the farmer struggled to get him out and the farmer gave up on the donkey. This donkey could have died if he gave up and excepted his fate. This donkey did not give up and he kept living.
You may feel that you are in a hole and you do not know how to get out, for it is too deep.
It may feel that others have given up on you and you are left alone with your fate.
It may feel that you don't know how to make enough to provide for your family. You may feel that you made many wrong choices in life, and this is contributing to the mess you are in.
Don't give up, don't accept your fate.
a) Don't go lie down.
b) Don't stay down.
c) Stand up and look up
d) Trust in God for you are created for greatness.
To many people give up and accept their fate they just stay in a survival mode, day in and day out. There is always a way out, there are many opportunities in life. You must just take the opportunity that comes your way. Don't fall into a survival mode like so many are in, get out of it. Don't listen to all the negativity around you, you must take the step in the right direction. Make the right choice, your freedom is in your own hands.
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Till we talk again
Ernest Dinsdale
The best is still to come
Trust in God always
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