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Saturday, 20 August 2016


Suicide ideas, why does it happen,

Suicide concept word cloud backgroundA couple of days ago there was a person that jumped off a bridge her where I live, Virginia Freestate in South Africa. This is not the first time this happens, it will properly not be the last time, which is a heartsore subject. There are so many reports that are received daily, whether it is a newspaper, Television, or whatever media about people who committed suicide . It is the order of the day that people commit suicide, some take out their whole immediate family and then themselves. This is happening worldwide, among the rich, poor, ext. The question is alway "why did he/ she do it"?. A person will never truly know why the answer to that has gone with the one who took his/ her own life to the grave. 
Let's look at possibilities why people take their own lives, one thing is sure life can be sometimes cruel and unfair if you do not watch out. 
Depression is said to be the major sickness of our time, it becomes so bad that if the person that has it and does not get professional help it ends up in suicide. Let's see some things that can cause someone to fall into depression.
* A person goes to work where he/ she is verbally abused daily and does not matter what the person does his/ her supervisor or employer stays on his/ her case. This situation starts causing a problem for the person, there is a fear of resigning because of the scarcity of jobs. The person is not happy in the job and just takes everything from his/ her supervisor or employer. 

* A person job is busy taking to much of his/ her time, he/ she doesn't have family time because of his/ her job that takes up all his time. This less or no time for his/ her wife/ husband and kids starts taking it toll, for his/ her marriage is starting to go downhill to such an extent that divorce starts getting mentioned. 
Having time for your family is very important, not having it can become catastrophic.

* The pressure of making enough to get through and getting out of the grove of debt starts taking on the person physically and emotional, and he / she is alone in this situation for there is no one that seems to care. 

*There are worries of having to retire but the amount that the retirement is going to pay out will not be enough to provide for all the needs, the person must try to keep on working to keep head above water and survive. Everything starts to become too much to handle.
These are just three examples we have looked at, there are many more reasons. I want to just stay on these four for now. The truth is people don't have to commit suicide and take their lives. There is always a way out, a person does not have to take such drastically measures by taking your life. It may seem as if it is the best way out which is a lie. Death is final and one can not make it undone. There are ways that a person can avoid or get out of this mess a person is in, the best thing you won't have to even consider the idea of suicide. 
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I ask you please if you are having trouble with your work situation, you don't have time with your family you need because of all the overtime you put in to provide for them or the pressure of not making enough to get through. 
Don't become another statistic the following can be the answer to your problem, watch the 
Trust in God for everything, He will not forsake you.

Till we speak again
Ernest Dinsdale
The best for you is still to come
Hold out.

Sunday, 14 August 2016


Life is so full of choices.

Life has a way to put us as people so many times in a spot that we must make choices. This seems to be a daily practice we are in. This choice-making most of the time has the question "have I made the right choice". The thing with choice-making, no one on earth is excluded from it. 

Image result for choice imageMany of the choices we make affect other people, for example with elections. If we put our vote towards the wrong person it is a vote less on the right person for the job, your vote may have been the only one that could have given the break through for the win for the right person. With this voting choice a person makes is always an uncertain thing what the outcome will be, it is a chance that is taken.

When a person's children have to go to school there is a choice the was made, which school should they had to go to. This is the primary stage and then the secondary stage. This choice influences the wellbeing of our children. 

When a person did job searching there was a choice that had to be made, which job was the best suited for you. Many times a person is stuck in a job choice you have made and you may be very unhappy in the job you are in. 

It should not be the end of the world if you have ever made the wrong choices. The great thing about making wrong choices is that you don't have to stay down. With the grace of God, you can stand up and get out of it. 

I personally think that all people have made wrong choices one or other time in their life. I, for example, have made many wrong choices in life. I never allowed these choices to pull me down, with God's help and strength I got through it. There is one choice I am not sorry about and it is,
joining a great business. This business takes a person on a great journey and it helps build financial freedom. It can even become permanent at home business. This gives more time for your family, more time for a breakaway, the list is unending. Would you like to have this type of life? You can have it it is just a matter of choice and be wanting it.

If you want to have a look at this opportunity >HERE<

Want a great book >LIMITLESS FREE BOOK<

Till we talk again
Ernest Dinsdale
The best is still to come for you
God Bless.

Saturday, 6 August 2016


A great lesson through an old donkey.

There was an old donkey that was walking on the farm grounds he was staying on, he entered a gate that someone left open. This donkey was never in this part of the farm, so he did not know the area. There is a saying "curiosity caught the cat" this is exactly what happened but in this case, it was curiosity caught the donkey. While the donkey was exploring the area; the donkey fell into a deep hole. This hole was too deep for the donkey to get out of, it did not matter how hard the donkey tried to get out he couldn't. The noise that the donkey was making with the struggle of trying to get out was heard by the farmer. The farmer found the donkey where he was in the hole, he too tried to get the donkey out with no success. The farmer went and got help from his friend on the farm next to his. The farmer and his friend put a lot of effort in to get the donkey out with no success. The farmer that owned the donkey, said to his friend that they should not bother further for the donkey was already old, they can just as well close the hole with the donkey in it. Without any further due, they started throwing sand into the hole.
After throwing sand into the hole for a while, they noticed the donkey's ears were sticking out of the hole. This interested them how this was happening, they watched wat the donkey did to get this far out of the hole. As they threw the ground into the hole they noticed that every time they threw ground into the hole it landed on the donkey's back, the donkey just shook it off and stamped onto the ground that has fallen from his back. Eventually, the heap inside the hole was high enough for the donkey to jump to freedom.

There were a couple of questions that arose in my mind after reading this.
1) What would have happened to the donkey if he to just gave up?
2) What would have happened if he excepted his fate?
This donkey could have given up and he could have just excepted his fate. We must keep something in mind, the odds was against the donkey. The odds was, the donkey was already old, the farmer struggled to get him out and the farmer gave up on the donkey. This donkey could have died if he gave up and excepted his fate. This donkey did not give up and he kept living.

You may feel that you are in a hole and you do not know how to get out, for it is too deep.
It may feel that others have given up on you and you are left alone with your fate.
It may feel that you don't know how to make enough to provide for your family. You may feel that you made many wrong choices in life, and this is contributing to the mess you are in. 
Don't give up, don't accept your fate. 
a) Don't go lie down.
b) Don't stay down.
c) Stand up and look up
d) Trust in God for you are created for greatness.

To many people give up and accept their fate they just stay in a survival mode, day in and day out. There is always a way out, there are many opportunities in life. You must just take the opportunity that comes your way. Don't fall into a survival mode like so many are in, get out of it. Don't listen to all the negativity around you, you must take the step in the right direction. Make the right choice, your freedom is in your own hands.


Till we talk again
Ernest Dinsdale
The best is still to come
Trust in God always

Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Oh no, it is standing up early in the morning again.

Have you ever said "oh no, I have to get up early again" especially after your leave has reached FIN? I personally think it is awful to get back to work after having a great time with a person's family. And don't even mention the getting up early in the morning again. When on leave your time is yours, you can stay in bed till you fell like getting up. There is no one putting pressure on you, ext. It is just awesome to be at home...  

Image result for free image of a clockTime goes by so quick, a person's leave just starts and before you know it 21 days has passed by and it is back to work. Most of the time within the first day at the job it feels that you need another leave, that is how hectic it sometimes goes. When getting back at your workplace it seems as if the jobs were just waiting for you to come back, and more jobs stacked up. It seems nobody has brought the jobs up to date. All this contributes not feeling happy to be back at work. 

Is this how your life goes, do you feel that you wish that you can break out of this grove you are in that goes on, year in and year out. Does it seem as if there must be something better in life for you. Do you want to rather be at home and at the same time have a job that you can do right in the comfort of your home and spend time with your wife and kids when needed.

This is not out f your grasp, it is in your reach and nearer than what you think. This oppertunity is right under your nose. You have the choice to get out of this grove of the samething year in and year out. YOU MUST MAKE THE CHANGE, NO ONE ELSE!!


Till we talk again
Ernest Dinsdale
The best is still to come
Don't stop trusting God.