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Sunday, 25 September 2016


Did I succeed in raising my children correctly?

Our children are the center of our lives, all that we do are for them. We work to provide for them, get them through school, get a better education and many of us want a better life for them. We don't want to let them make the same mistakes that we made. Through all this, there is a question that now and the arises in one's mind "Am I  succeeding in raising my child/children correctly?".
I want to use myself as an illustration to explain. My oldest son, Ernest jr was not the easiest child when he was born. He had colic the first 8 months, this went right into his teething stage. This caused us this is my wife and me not to have much sleep, especially my wife Charleen. We are grateful that God carried us through this and we did the best we could believe me it was not easy. 
In Ernest jr toddler stage we found out he had a muscle condition, he took very long to walk we took him for therapy to help him with the muscle condition and his coordination. Ernest was on permanent medication which cost us a lot. I glorify God once again that He carried us through that too. 
In his Pre-school stage, he struggled with his speech. We help him at home and took him to see a speech therapist, we even bought different smile products. These smile products have all type of activities; it helps with speech, coordination, spelling and so forth. These smile products helped him. 
In Primary school, we found out that Ernest had ADHD, this caused him to do Grade 1 twice and the school put him into the special class. We tried to get him back into the normal classes, it was without success.
Just before he went to High-school God opened a way for him to go to a Christian School. He did his high school education in a normal school. We as parents did not give up and it cost a lot of prayers.

Still, after all, this, the question arose "Did we succeed in raising our child correctly?".
This question was answered with Ernest jr Matrix-farewell, which was this Thursday that has passed. I just want to mention, it was on my late mother's birthday which was the first birthday without her. To get back to Ernest jr, my wife and me were very proud of him. When looking at Ernest jr me and my wife told each other that we did well with the Lords help. He had a great farewell and turned out to become a great young man to be proud of. And it is not ending here, we as parents are still going to do the best that we can for him further. We will do anything to give our children what we can. We have another son to by the name of Jean- Pierre, we too are doing our best for him with strength and help of the Lord. (Ernest jr and his partner Nicola is the photo beneath mine, he turned out to be a great young man)

I am so glad that with the business that I am in I would be able to send Ernest jr to study further, he want's to go for tourism. I to will be able to do the same for Jean-Pierre. I believe I will retire early and not have to worry about financial problems with the business I am in and with the help of the Lord.

Can you do what you want to for child/children?. Can you say "I don't have financial problems?. Can you say that "I can retire early"? Well don't look further get your answer to your problem >HERE<

Don't let your dreams for your children just stay dreams, make it a reality. Break out don't let people and your circumstances hold you back, think out of the box and get out of your comfort zone, it can cause you to take longer to get your dreams to become reality. Take the step and go >HERE<

Till we talk again
Ernest Dinsdale
Trust in God always
The best is still to come for you.

Sunday, 18 September 2016


Help is nearer than one thinks.

Image result for yacht picturesThere was a man that took a sea trip in his yacht, he did not bother about taking the trip for the sea was calm when he started the trip. What seemed like a great idea turned out not to be what he thought. The first two days went very well, there was nothing to worry about. The third day everything changed, the weather changed for the worst. The yacht started filling with water that was caused by the big waves going over it. The man tried to empty the water coming into the yacht but could not keep up with the speed and force of the waves. The man had to give up the fight against the waves of the sea. The force of the waves broke the yacht to pieces, that caused the man to grip on a piece of the yacht that was drifting. The man survived the storm and stayed drifting on the piece of the yacht. There was no help in sight that caused the man to worry, the man started praying. He asked the Lord to help and save him out of this situation he is in, the Lord answered him not to worry for He will rescue him. After 30 minutes a fishing boat came and saw the man drifting in the sea, the person on the boat asked the man if he could help him. The man on the drifting piece of yacht replied no for he believes in God and He will rescue him, the man of the fishing boat left the man drifting in the sea. After two hours passed a cargo ship found the man drifting in the sea, people of the crew to asked the man if they could help. The drifting man replied again no for God will rescue him, the cargo ship to left leaving the man drifting. After another couple of hours has passed a helicopter arrived to help the man, the drifting man again did not take the help for he said God said that He will rescue him.
Eventually, the man drowned without getting rescued, when getting to Heaven the man had questions to ask God. He asked why God did not rescue him, God answered the man that He sends three people to rescue him. First, the man with the fishing boat, secondly the cargo ship and lastly the helicopter but the man did not except one of the rescue attempts so the fault 
was entirely laying by the man.

This happens to many people every day, people are in financial trouble and are looking for things to rescue them out of the situation they are in. Just as the man that did not take the chances that were given to him, they to don't take opportunities that get given to them. There can come 1000 of opportunities your way but if you don't make the choice to take one of the opportunities it is your own fault. Don't just be one more person that drowns because the opportunities were there but were not taken.

Speaking about such, here is a great opportunity to fill up your finances or to give you a chance to go in another direction of work. This could be just what you are looking for to work from home. Wouldn't it be great if you could see your wife and children more, the list is unending.

You had the rescue opportunity three times highlighted above, it is not too late to click on one of the rescue vessels the choice rest with you. All the best with your decision, just don't drown.

Till we talk again
Ernest Dinsdale
Trust in God always
The best is still to come for you.

Monday, 12 September 2016


Have a mindset change.

I want to share with you wat a 90-year-old Regina Brett of Cleveland, Ohio wrote. I think it is worth reading and taking it to heart.

To celebrate growing old, I once wrote few lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written. 
17 Minutes Only

  1. Life isn't fair, but still good.
  2. When in doubt, just take the next step.
  3. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick, your friends and family will.
  4. You don't have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.
  5. Cry with someone. It is more healing than crying alone.
  6. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
  7. Make peace with your past so it won't mess up the present.
  8. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
  9. Take a deep breath every now and then. It calms the mind.
  10. Get rid of anything that isn't useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.
  11. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
  12. It's never too late to be happy. But it's all up to you and no one else.
  13. When it comes to going after what you love, don't take no for an answer.
  14. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy clothes. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
  15. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
  16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'
  17. Always choose life.
  18. Forgive others and yourself.
  19. What others think of you is none of your business.
  20. Time heals almost everything. Give time a little time.
  21. However, good or bad a situation is, it will change.
  22. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
  23. Believe in miracles.
  24. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
  25. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
  26. Growing old beats the alternative of dying young.
  27. Your children get only one childhood.
  28. All that truly matters, in the end, is that you are loved.
  29. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
  30. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need.
  31. The best is yet to come...
  32. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
  33. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
I know it is a lot of points that are mentioned, but it is important points that must get read daily or memorized. Information is always a good thing. There is a saying that I have heard and it got stuck in my mind "a day that has passed and nothing is learned is a day that is lost. I believe this will change your mind for the best. I personally got something out of these points.

I would appreciate it if you would leave me a comment on what I post on my blog. I am looking forward hearing from you.

I have a free book that you can have that could change your life for the best. All you have to do is click <HERE> don't miss out on this free offer it is limited for a short period of time. There is a saying "you snooze you loose". There are not many things in life that are free take the step and click < HERE>
Till we speak again
Ernest Dinsdale
The best is still to come
Trust in God always.

Saturday, 3 September 2016


I have time for nothing else than work.
Image result for free picture of honey beesHave you ever watched bees going out to collect nectar, they leave their hive very early in the morning to start their daily nectar collecting mission. This nectar collecting goes on from sunrise through the day till sunset where they call it a day if I may say it in a human manner. This continuous day in and day out the only time they are not so very busy is in the winter time for it is too cold for them to go out of their hive. That is why there is an expression "as busy as a bee" for there is no time for anything else than work. The bees are doing exactly what God has created them for, they are created to work and collect nectar so that they can provide us humans with honey which is very healthy for us. This sounds quite educational but what is the point with this, may be the question that arises. 

Many of us are just like these bees that go out early in the morning to do our daily work that is probably ok so far. There is just one thing with us going out to do our daily work, bees have a certain time they work then they go back to their hive. Many of us don't work just certain times or hours, we stay at work working overtime to get the work done. This causes us not to see our loved ones, for example when we get home eventually our kids are asleep in their beds. Don't even mention the time that we don't have for our wives, the reason is we are too tired to talk to each other. Another thing with bees they have a time they slack down with their busy life which is winter. We as humans don't take a time to slack down, I am not mentioning the time we take our annual leave. A person begins to start to becoming a stranger to our family because the amount of time that is spent at work.

The Lord God did not create us to be like bees just to live to work, He created us to live a balanced life. We are created to have a time for everything, a time for work, a time for family, ext. Work must not create a problem in our family, it must be a means to provide for our family not to make us strangers from each other. I know we put more hours in at work just to make enough to keep food on the table, some of us have two jobs to keep up the standard of living we used too. We don't have to keep up working the way we are, for there is a better way 
than working yourself to the bone. 

I have a great way to make it without working yourself to the bone, and not becoming a stranger to your wife and kids. This that I am offering you can even leave a legacy for your family. It can give you more time with your family which is very important for a healthy family relationship. It is too very important to put our trust in God with all the decisions we make. 

If you are serious about making a great change in your life, you don't have to search far
just click >HERE

I have already made the step and I am not going to look back again, make the greatest choice in your life by clicking >HERE< It is free to check it out no obligations it can just create a great change. The choice will be yours alone.

Till we talk again
Ernest Dinsdale
Trust in God always
The best is still to come for you.