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Saturday, 20 February 2016


Family seen on funeral.

The next that I am going to write about is actually heartsore, I don't know if it only happens to just my family. Yesterday which was Friday my mother was buried a week ago, it is incredible how fast time goes. It is already nearly March it seems as if the year has started yesterday. It is as if every year just goes quicker than the previous year. A person is so caught up in making ends to meet for your own family a person forgets about other things that must be part of your life.

When we were at my mother's funeral I saw my long last seen aunts, niece, ext. It was great to have seen them although it was under such circumstances. It was a great service although we were heartsore and my mother place is empty we knew she was in a better place then we were. My mother was very near to God, she was always talking about God and encouraging people. I had a great mother a person does not realize it till someone passes away. The saying "give someone flowers while they are still alive" is so true. On the left side is a picture of my mother. She is very missed, she to sang beautiful.

Back to the family that was at the funeral. After the funeral we had a gathering at my sister's 
home. We had a awesome time together, we realised we knew basically nothing about each other. With the gathering we realised some of the family we haven't seen for 20 years. My one niece I last saw when she was one and a half to two years old, she is now nearly twenty two years old. My other aunt, uncle and their daughter I have seen when my niece was about
thirteen years old, she is now 35 years old. This is a couple of my long last seen family I am mentioning. There are many more that could not of been there because of whatever reason. 

Time is one of the most expensive things in today's life, a person must buy out time for each other and do things before it is has gone. Except making time for each other, you can improve 
your life; it is in your hands. Don't let time go by without trying to change your life for the better, you owe it to yourself and your family.

Try this business opportunity for yourself you have nothing to lose watch this video it could be your great break through you were waiting for. Here is the link to go into it is a great, great oppertunity, don't let time catch up with you.

Till we speak again. 
The best is still to come.
Ernest Dinsdale.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016


Where you ever sick or lost someone through death.

That was not the end, on my last day of my sick leave which was Sunday the 7th of February 2016 I received a call from my sister that my mother was critical in hospital they were waiting for a opening in the ICU , that was about 06h00. About 13H30 I received a call from my sister's daughter with the news that my mother has just passed away. My mother went into hospital last week Thursday and had a shoulder replacement operation, 4 days later she died at the age of 65 years a blood clot went through her heart.

I am just glad I have the Lord that is carrying my family and I through this time for it is a traumatic time a person goes through. there are many thoughts going through a person's mind when this happens.

  • If I have to be laid of from work because of sickness will I be able to survive and provide for my family, if I do get money will it be enough.
  • If I had to die what am I going to leave my family with, will they be able to pay for the funeral, will they be able to go on without struggling.
  • Luckily I have a great business that I joined that generated enough money so that my family won't struggle when this happens to me. 

Will you have the first two thoughts when this has to happen to you. Will you have another source of income if you have to lose your job and will your love ones be provided for if you pass away?

I have just the business system that will take all these worries away. If you don't want to take my word for it click on the link and watch the video and then decide for yourself, you be the judge. . With everything becoming more expensive day by day you need a better source of income. I believe you will make the best choice.

Till we talk again. The best is yet to come.
Ernest Dinsdale