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Tuesday, 22 December 2015


What does Christmas really mean.
merry christmas

Through the years people have got so caught up in the festivity and giving of gifts on Christmas that the true meaning of Christmas got lost somewhere in time. It is great to receive gifts and parting there is nothing wrong with this. Families come together and spent time with each other, which is great. Just as long as the one Christmas goes about does not get forgotten. For those who forgot what Christmas is all about. Here's a refresher. 
Over 2000 years ago there was a baby boy born in Bethlehem in Israel in a manger. This baby boy was called Jesus Christ who was born out of a virgin called Mary, this baby boy was sent by God to save us all from eternal death which is Hell and wash our sins away. This is God's only begotten Son. Christmas is all about celebrating Jesus Christ's birthday, look at the word Christmas then it tell you about who it is about (Christ-mas)  (Jesus Christ). Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer. May you have a great and wonderful Merry Christmas, and keep in mind about who it is about.

Many people don't really know what something is about, they listen and believe what other people tell them, they never will try something themselves. This is the reason so many people stay in the financial position they are in and stick to a job they are very unhappy in. You don't have to stay the way you are, you can make a change in your life. All you need to do is check out this opportunity I am giving to you.
This is a all done for you system, it takes you through 21 steps, it teaches you how the business works, it has couches to lead you, it has a phone team that does the calls for you no needed for you to make calls. Check out this for yourself. 

Nice talking to you. Once again Merry Christmas.
Ernest Dinsdale.

Thursday, 10 December 2015


Message to all my blog readers.
From the pen of Ernest Dinsdale.

I want to say thankyou to you for reading my blogs. I to want to wish you a great Christmas and a blessed new year. Enjoy the festive season with your love ones and friends. I just want to ask not to over do it and end up not seeing the new year or maybe landing up in hospital, please look after yourself. I would like you to go into the new year 2016 with new hope and a new vision that will become a mission and a reality. 

Here is a song by Celine Dion with a great message for your enjoyment.

It is unbelievable how very quick this year has gone, it feels as if it was yesterday January and it is already December. When you look back on this year that has passed, how many things was not done for it was as if the time passed to fast to get all the things done. Time is passing to quick to let things undone. Are you looking for a opportunity to increase your finances or are tired of the job you are doing and looking for another career. Are you maybe a business owner and looking for a way to promote your business but not knowing how. If you are one of these I mentioned I have have the answer to what you are looking for. This business system has 21 steps to help you, great couches to help you. There are many more advantages that I am not going to mention now. Check this out for yourself. Don't take to long to decide you know how quick the time is running. You could have a great change and new beginning for 2016. Make the right choice. Click the link it is free. 
Till we talk again. God Bless and hold on.
Ernest Dinsdale.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015


It is the nearly the end of the year.

Image result for pictures of christmasEverybody is in holiday and Christmas mode. There are so many thoughts going through a person's mind. There is so much to do for example getting presents, getting thanksgiving ready. This takes a lot of planning and it makes quite a dent in your pocket and finances but in the end of the day it is worth it. Having the family together is many times priceless for many only see their family members only once a year and that is on thanksgiving (Christmas). 
This is one side of the coin and it is wonderful, unfortunately there is another side of the coin. 
Many people are going to sit with more debt added to their list of other existing debt. A person is just getting deeper and deeper into debt for a person does not earn enough to do it with cash. It is actually very heart sore to see people in this financial trap that they are struggling to get out of. When going back to the beginning of the year, how many people made one of their new year resolutions to get a way to generate more money for they were sick and tired of struggling to make it through every month. Many people whom made this new year 
resolution are still sitting in the same position they were for it did not work the way they wanted. I just praise God that He carried them through every month for if it was not for God's grace they would have never made it. Many people commit suicide because of their financial problem it does not have to be like this, there is a way. First of all put it in God's hand before anything else. Secondly it is not too late to make your new year's resolution you made the beginning of the year become a reality. Click on the link below and this can make your resolution a reality it is a great oppertunity.
Till we talk again. God bless and hold on.