Sorry I was of from my blog for so long time, was in hospital and of sick for a while. God was good He carried me through.
7 Years in the situation we were in, Why ??.
From we got to the Cape Province and were in the situation we were in we could just not get completely back on our feet again, to be exact 7 years. As I have already mentioned my wife cried every single day. It was not a pleasant time that particular time in our life.
Every week my wife bought the Landbouweekblad, it is nearly the same as the Farmers weekly. She bought it in the hope that we could find another job. She carried on till the Lord told her to stop buying the book for it is just to go to another farm and we must get away from a farm situation. There was a major problem that kept us in that situation. This had to be revealed to me three times before I listened and it was??. Unforgiveness!!!. I had to forgive the person who got me into the business. I went personally and forgave him. A week after I forgave him, it was the Friday I forgave the following Friday I had to go for an job interview. From there on things began to become better in our life. An important lesson I learned was never keep things against other people Forgive and move on. Please don't get kept back in life because you can not forgive.
Till next time.
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The consequences for making decision without each other.
There were major consequences for not knowing my wife and the Lord in making a decision to go into business in Oudtshoorn. It was as if everything was against us from we got to Oudshoorn. I thought I made provision to carry us financially for two months. It did not workout as I planned, there was a letter of an attorney that we received for money that we had to pay immediately of money we did not know we owed. This gave us a huge dent in our
finance, we did not have enough to get us through that month. Although we did not have enough we had a great God that did not leave us alone. In that time of need the Lord sent people to our doorstep with food, we did not even have to ask for food it just arrived. Is that not awesome? It did not end there, the promises that were made by the person that got me into the business did not happen. I had to use my pension I got from the my previous work had to pay for me in the business for 5 months. The person sold the business and I had to go and work for a ostrich farmer for very little wage. I worked for this Farmer for 3 years before I got another job. If it was not for the Lord I do not know what would have happened to us. One good thing that came out of this Oudshoorn work situation was my oldest son. The other job I got was on a fruit Farm, the wage was a bit better but still very little. I worked for this farmer for 4 years, my youngest son was born while I worked for this fruit farmer that is the other good thing that happened. Because of me my wife cried everyday, she was not happy the whole 7 years. My wife even wanted to get on a truck that transported fruit from the farm to the export place just to get away, I thank God she did not. This is an example what can happen when not knowing your wife and God in making decisions. Just a word of encouragement, when you have made a wrong choice or decision all is not lost. Ask God for forgiveness and help, God will not leave you alone. God will help you through just trust and rely on Him. In my next blog page I want to tell you what kept us in the situation we were in.
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The man of the house is the only one that makes the decisions.
The mindset that the man makes the decisions in the house, it does not matter who says what, is it the right mindset? I am not going to answer this straight away. I am going to tell about my experience, then I believe the answer will be more clearer.
My wife and I was married about 1 year and 5 months when I got an business proposal to go into business with someone. I straight away said yes to the person, for I was the decision maker so I thought. I told my wife we are going to move 1 500 km from where we were staying. That time we stayed in Thabazimbi and the place we were going to move to was Oudshoorn. My wife cried and begged me that we must not go for it does not feel right. I did not take her in consideration in what she thought and in the decision making. I told her we are going and that is final. This caused a lot of heartache, it did not go well with us in Oudtshoorn. Men we must taken our wife in consideration when making decisions. I think women have a sixth sense build into them by our Heavenly Father to keep us as men out of trouble. I personally know if it was not for my wife I would of let us get into trouble many times. When making a decision sit down together, this is husband and wife and talk it over and pray about it. After praying and talking it over and one does has a doubt or does not feel comfortable about it don't do it. I am going to talk about the consequences of my alone making decisions in my next blog page.
Talk soon
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