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Tuesday, 22 December 2015


What does Christmas really mean.
merry christmas

Through the years people have got so caught up in the festivity and giving of gifts on Christmas that the true meaning of Christmas got lost somewhere in time. It is great to receive gifts and parting there is nothing wrong with this. Families come together and spent time with each other, which is great. Just as long as the one Christmas goes about does not get forgotten. For those who forgot what Christmas is all about. Here's a refresher. 
Over 2000 years ago there was a baby boy born in Bethlehem in Israel in a manger. This baby boy was called Jesus Christ who was born out of a virgin called Mary, this baby boy was sent by God to save us all from eternal death which is Hell and wash our sins away. This is God's only begotten Son. Christmas is all about celebrating Jesus Christ's birthday, look at the word Christmas then it tell you about who it is about (Christ-mas)  (Jesus Christ). Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer. May you have a great and wonderful Merry Christmas, and keep in mind about who it is about.

Many people don't really know what something is about, they listen and believe what other people tell them, they never will try something themselves. This is the reason so many people stay in the financial position they are in and stick to a job they are very unhappy in. You don't have to stay the way you are, you can make a change in your life. All you need to do is check out this opportunity I am giving to you.
This is a all done for you system, it takes you through 21 steps, it teaches you how the business works, it has couches to lead you, it has a phone team that does the calls for you no needed for you to make calls. Check out this for yourself. 

Nice talking to you. Once again Merry Christmas.
Ernest Dinsdale.

Thursday, 10 December 2015


Message to all my blog readers.
From the pen of Ernest Dinsdale.

I want to say thankyou to you for reading my blogs. I to want to wish you a great Christmas and a blessed new year. Enjoy the festive season with your love ones and friends. I just want to ask not to over do it and end up not seeing the new year or maybe landing up in hospital, please look after yourself. I would like you to go into the new year 2016 with new hope and a new vision that will become a mission and a reality. 

Here is a song by Celine Dion with a great message for your enjoyment.

It is unbelievable how very quick this year has gone, it feels as if it was yesterday January and it is already December. When you look back on this year that has passed, how many things was not done for it was as if the time passed to fast to get all the things done. Time is passing to quick to let things undone. Are you looking for a opportunity to increase your finances or are tired of the job you are doing and looking for another career. Are you maybe a business owner and looking for a way to promote your business but not knowing how. If you are one of these I mentioned I have have the answer to what you are looking for. This business system has 21 steps to help you, great couches to help you. There are many more advantages that I am not going to mention now. Check this out for yourself. Don't take to long to decide you know how quick the time is running. You could have a great change and new beginning for 2016. Make the right choice. Click the link it is free. 
Till we talk again. God Bless and hold on.
Ernest Dinsdale.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015


It is the nearly the end of the year.

Image result for pictures of christmasEverybody is in holiday and Christmas mode. There are so many thoughts going through a person's mind. There is so much to do for example getting presents, getting thanksgiving ready. This takes a lot of planning and it makes quite a dent in your pocket and finances but in the end of the day it is worth it. Having the family together is many times priceless for many only see their family members only once a year and that is on thanksgiving (Christmas). 
This is one side of the coin and it is wonderful, unfortunately there is another side of the coin. 
Many people are going to sit with more debt added to their list of other existing debt. A person is just getting deeper and deeper into debt for a person does not earn enough to do it with cash. It is actually very heart sore to see people in this financial trap that they are struggling to get out of. When going back to the beginning of the year, how many people made one of their new year resolutions to get a way to generate more money for they were sick and tired of struggling to make it through every month. Many people whom made this new year 
resolution are still sitting in the same position they were for it did not work the way they wanted. I just praise God that He carried them through every month for if it was not for God's grace they would have never made it. Many people commit suicide because of their financial problem it does not have to be like this, there is a way. First of all put it in God's hand before anything else. Secondly it is not too late to make your new year's resolution you made the beginning of the year become a reality. Click on the link below and this can make your resolution a reality it is a great oppertunity.
Till we talk again. God bless and hold on.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015


Two frogs and a dairy can with milk in.

There was on a certain day that two frogs landed up in a farmers dairy. These two frogs while hopping around in the dairy accidentally landed in a dairy can with milk. This was a disaster for the two frogs, the can was only halfway full. Both the frogs tried to get out but the side of the dairy can was slippery. The one frog thought in his mind "it does not help me struggling to get out for it is hopeless". This frog gave up and drowned in the milk. The other frog did not have the same thought in his mind as the other frog that drowned, his thought was "while I am alive I will just stay kicking to stay above the milk something may happen so I can get out". Something did happen, with the kicking the milk became a piece of butter and the frog had a foothold that he could kick himself out of the dairy can. By not giving up and not losing hope the frog got saved.

Just like the two frogs we too can make choices.
  • Am I going to give up and let life circumstances drown me and get me down or.
  • I am not going to lose hope and not give up and trust in the Lord for something to happen and get me out of my situation I am in.
Here is something that can help you to get out of your situation, whether it is a job or financial.
Many have had success with this business opportunity. This I believe could be the answer, it could make the difference. I made the choice. Just click on the link and see what it holds for you.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015


Hallo to you, I am glad you reading this blog of mine. 
Have you ever heard people asking this question "other people have it all why not me?", you too can be asking this question. After reading what I am going to write you will get the answer to this question. 
The world is full of negativity. Negativity is part of us from that we started growing up. Here are some examples. 
  • "Don't stand on the swing you are going to fall". 
  • "You are dumb you can do nothing right".
  • "You won't be able to work for yourself".
  • "You can't change your situation".
The list is unending, our minds are programmed in a certain way. We must get our mindset changed and reprogrammed. Your mind must get changed from I cannot to I can for this negative things spoken from small time over you is a lot of bulldust, don't believe it. Those people that have it all just got their mindset set right.

Don't let negative thoughts hold you back.
  • You have the power to make a change to your situation.
  • You can work for yourself.
  • You can be financially free. 
  • You can go on a deserved holiday that you can afford.
  • You can spend more time with your family.
  • You don't have to have a diploma or a degree to do it.
  • You just want to have this change with your whole heart.
  • You must take the opportunity when it comes your way.

I want to give you a great opportunity to let all this happen for you, forget the people that wants to be caught up in the negative thought and think there is nothing better. Make the change. Click on this link below and take the first step to change. (you must click it does not open automatically close all ads that appear before clicking).

Wednesday, 4 November 2015


You hold the key to your future and financial freedom.

Keys Royalty Free Stock PhotographyDoes the following sound familiar,it could be a daily thing; "I need more finances, I am not getting through the month for my money only holds from the beginning of payday to the end of the night. I truly need a way to get more income." There is another thought that may sound familiar; 
"the job I am in does not give me satisfaction. Is there not another way to get a job that will give me the satisfaction I want in a job, and a job that there is no boss that is always on my case and putting pressure on me?" Does this sound like the thoughts you have ??? You hold the key in your hands to change your situation for the better. Don't just have thoughts and dreams of a better job and generating income far above what you can imagine. Don't wait for something to come your way take action to make a change. I believe this opportunity I am giving to you is just what you need to take action with and make a change in 
your life for the better. The longer  you take to take action the longer you  are going to be in the situation you are in and the longer you going to take to become  financially free and work from home for yourself.  Remember the key of change is in your  hands. Do the right thing. Here below is the link to bring change in your life, you may not have this chance again. (Close all ads before clicking on link) I believe you will make the right decision. It is an all done for you business.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015


Sorry I was of from my blog for so long time, was in hospital and of sick for a while. God was good He carried me through.

7 Years in the situation we were in, Why ??.

From we got to the Cape Province and were in the situation we were in we  could just not get completely back on our feet again, to be exact 7 years. As I have already mentioned my wife cried every single day. It was not a pleasant time that particular time in our life.
Every week my wife bought the Landbouweekblad, it is nearly the same as the Farmers weekly. She bought it in the hope that we could find another job. She carried on till the Lord told her to stop buying the book for it is just to go to another farm and we must get away from a farm situation. There was a major problem that kept us in that situation. This had to be revealed to me three times before I listened and it was??. Unforgiveness!!!. I had to forgive the person who got me into the business. I went personally and forgave him. A week after I forgave him, it was the Friday I forgave the following Friday I had to go for an job interview. From there on things began to become better in our life. An important lesson I learned was never keep things against other people Forgive and move on. Please don't get kept back in life because you can not forgive.
Till next time.
                         Great Business opportunity.
?????? Can you afford to lose out on a opportunity to change your life, and to think the  decision and choice is in your hands to make a great life change. Make the right choice and look at this opportunity below.(close all ads before clicking on link.)

Wednesday, 7 October 2015


The consequences for making decision without each other.

There were major consequences for not knowing my wife and the Lord in making a decision to go into business in Oudtshoorn. It was as if everything was against us from we got to Oudshoorn. I thought I made provision to carry us financially for two months. It did not workout as I planned, there was a letter of an attorney that we received for money that we had to pay immediately of money we did not know we owed. This gave us a huge dent in our 
finance, we did not have enough to get us through that month. Although we did not have enough we had a great God that did not leave us alone. In that time of need the Lord sent people to our doorstep with food, we did not even have to ask for food it just arrived. Is that not awesome? It did not end there, the promises that were made by the person that got me into the business did not happen. I had to use my pension I got from the my previous work had to pay for me in the business for 5 months. The person sold the business and I had to go and work for a ostrich farmer for very little wage. I worked for this Farmer for 3 years before I got another job. If it was not for the Lord I do not know what would have happened to us. One good thing that came out of this Oudshoorn work situation was my oldest son. The other job I got was on a fruit Farm, the wage was a bit better but still very little. I worked for this farmer for 4 years, my youngest son was born while I worked for this fruit farmer that is the other good thing that happened. Because of me my wife cried everyday, she was not happy the whole 7 years. My wife even wanted to get on a truck that transported fruit from the farm to the export place just to get away, I thank God she did not. This is an example what can happen when not knowing your wife and God in making decisions. Just a word of encouragement, when you have made a wrong choice or decision all is not lost. Ask God for forgiveness and help, God will not leave you alone. God will help you through just trust and rely on Him. In my next blog page I want to tell you what kept us in the situation we were in.
Talk soon

My business opportunity to you,please don't leave this page before looking at the video. This could be the importantest thing in your life so far you could do. Don't miss out on this by not clicking the link below this symbol of my business. This can and will change your life for the best. It is free to click on the link.(close any ads that appear on the link before clicking). 


Sunday, 4 October 2015


The man of the house is the only one that makes the decisions.

Image result for picture of a women cryingThe mindset that the man makes the decisions in the house, it does not matter who says what, is it the right mindset? I am not going to answer this straight away. I am going to tell about my experience, then I believe the answer will be more clearer. 
My wife and I was married about 1 year and 5 months when I got an business proposal to go into business with someone. I straight away said yes to the person, for I was the decision maker so I thought. I told my wife we are going to move 1 500 km from where we were staying. That time we stayed in Thabazimbi and the place we were going to move to was Oudshoorn. My wife cried and begged me that we must not go for it does not feel right. I did not take her in consideration in what she thought and in the decision making. I told her we are going and that is final. This caused a lot of heartache, it did not go well with us in Oudtshoorn. Men we must taken our wife in consideration when making decisions. I think women have a sixth sense build into them by our Heavenly Father to keep us as men out of trouble. I personally know if it was not for my wife I would of let us get into trouble many times. When making a decision sit down together, this is husband and wife and talk it over and pray about it. After praying and talking it over and one does has a doubt or does not feel comfortable about it don't do it. I am going to talk about the consequences of my alone making decisions in my next blog page.
Talk soon

My business oppurtunity to you. Make a change in your life and get out of the circumstance your are in. Make the right choice. This business is filled with opportunity.

My Top Tier Business: MTTB 21 Steps System is MOBE’s premier commission generating system. Discover how to get $1,250, $3,300 and $5,500 commissions deposited directly into your bank account without ever making a phone call.

IM Revolution eBook: Learn the business model that took me from making $700/month to $314,900.29/month in an 18 month period…

MOBE Motors : Promote the MOBE Motors program.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015



There is a saying in life "money is not everything". This saying is in many ways true. There is one major problem that does not get mentioned and it is, life is
very uncomfortable without money. I want to talk today about finance. I think it is quite a major issue in life. I have seen a lot of people breaking up because of finances. Major fights between husband and wife is because there is not enough finances to meet the needs in home. I know about this for my wife and I had the same issues with this. Another culprit 
is wrong decision that are or were made, this is a issue I will talk about at a later stage. There was a time that I looked and tried many money making opportunities, for I too was looking for ways to make more money. I have been scammed a couple of times in my life because of this search for making more income. This creates a type of caution in life to not get yourself into the same situation, it makes a person scared to try something even if it works. I believe it is not just me that went  through this. When I saw a video on this business I am in now, I had to go for it or to leave it. I wanted to make a change, the choice was in my hands. My choice was to go for it, and I am not disappointed. It is a great journey I am in. There comes a time that one must put your fear of making a choice one side. The making change in your life is lying in your own hands. "You can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen" by Michelle Obama. 
I am giving this to you for I want to help you make a change in your situation.
Talk soon

Join my business and make a change in your life and become financially free
Click on link below and join the greatest business you will come across. (close all ads before clicking on link)

Thursday, 24 September 2015


I was protected in a accident with a Koedoe buck.

Image result for mazda 323 images
I qualified as boilermaker in 1991 and got married in 1993. My wife and I decided to go and visit my parents in Oudshoorn in the Cape Province a year after we were married. We had a great time at my parents. As always all good  things must come to an end for some more good things to come. It got time to leave, we prayed and left. When we got to the fuel station to put petrol in my vehicle, my wife realized that she forgot some or other makeup product in my parent's fridge. When arriving back at my parents home, my sister came to hear what we wanted back. I told her that we decided to stay another day. I then told her that we are just getting my wife's makeup in the fridge. 00:15 That night between Oudshoorn and Baufordwest a Koedoe cow hit us, for 200 meters the vehicle went sideways just as it wanted to roll a piece of concrete pillar knocked it back onto it's wheels. The vehicle was pushed over a trench the width of the vehicle. We with the vehicle went through the air the height of a normal house and landed in a fence. The greatest thing of this is when we when't through the air we were surrounded by a great bright light, we did not even feel that we landed and did not sustain any injuries. The impact of the fall broke the gearbox mounting of the vehicle but we were ok. We drove back at 60 km back to Oudshoorn. We had to spend another day at my parents for I had to sort things out with my assurance.  We saw all that happened the next day when we investigated the accident scene. There are two things that we learned out of this is
1) God's angels do still protect us as people.
2) There is strength in what you say.
We said we are going to stay another day, although it was a joke we did stay another day. This is maybe something small but please be cautious in what you say. think twice talk once.
Be sure God still looks after you. although it may not feel like it sometimes. 
Talk soon

Are you tired of working for a boss.
Are you  looking for more time with your family.
Are looking for a opportunity to make more income.
Are you dreaming of great vacation.
Are you interested in working from home.
I am glad you have read this for you don't 
have to look further.
The answer is clicking on the link below it is free to watch. Make a change to your circumstance you are in.(close ads that appear over the link before clicking).

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Crayons and mirrors.

Broken crayons and mirrors.

broken mirror: Crime scene: Pieces of Broken mirror glass isolated on blackDo you feel broken and shattered and worthless? A word of encouragement. Broken crayons still color. Shattered mirrors still reflect light. Being broken does not mean you are useless. Being shattered does not mean you must be thrown out. Break a crayon and it becomes perfect to share with another person. Shatter a mirror and it becomes a mosaic of little reflections. Being broken means that we have the capacity to color the world more beautiful than a rainbow. Being shattered means that we have a greater power to reflect light. We must not see our broken life pointless. We must not see the shattered pieces of our existence as a waste. It is quite the contrary, in fact. Every broken and shattered piece of life is a part of what makes each of us beautiful and meaningful. No one colors the world quite like you. No one reflects the light of existence the way you can. 
God has created each one of us unique, there is not another you, you are one of a kind, your are a blueprint. Give God a chance to make out of your broken and shattered experience something good. Trust in God, He never makes a mistake and He knows us better than we know ourselves. Greetings
talk soon and the best is yet to come. Don't lose hope.

I want to tell you of a great online business opportunity  that can change your life completely. This opportunity can make you financially free. It can give you your freedom you need. If you have a family, give you the time you want with your family. You don't have to work overtime at work to make ends at meet. You can even make it a full time business. This business is all done for you system. If this sounds to good to be true don't take my word for it, check it out yourself and click on the link below. (close all ads before clicking on the link).

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

It was great timing.

Time is a great part of our lives.

Image result for free pictures of south african soldiersI work for the Engineering company I was a boilermaker apprentice by for 2 years, when I got call up papers from the Defence Force. That time the government forced young men who finished school to do defence force, the age was from 18+. To come back to the call up for the defence force . I still remember my mother was very hart sore for my oldest brother got called up that January of 1986 and I got called up that June of 1986. I did my defence force time. Through the grace of God I got home alive, there were others that lost their lives on the border that was with me. My brother finished his  defence force time 6 months before me, he too was safe. In the time I was in the defence force my parents moved to another town in another province. This changed some things for me, when I was working I stayed at my parents. I went to the town my parents moved and applied for a job at a iron ore mine. My mother took me for the interview ( I have a great mother she was always there for me). The man that interviewed me was one of the many parents that lost a son in the defence force. He told my mother that she is lucky to have gotten me back from the defence force. He took me in to go on with my apprenticeship. I resigned my other job by the engineering company when I started by the iron ore mine (Thabazimbi Iscor mine). I was 1 year there when I went to see how it was going with  engineering company I worked at before starting on Iscor, when arriving there I found out that 3 months after I resigned the company closed down. Wow what   great timing it was, God's timing was just right. When things don't go as you plan just trust in God, His timing is perfect.

Still wondering how to make extra income from home.For: 
Working overtime but still not making it.
Work is taking up all your time that you could have with your family.
Click then on the link below for the answer to solving this problems. (close all ads that appear before clicking on the link).